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July 31, 2019

UK financial regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has presented its final version of guidance on cryptoassets.

The document called "Guidance on CryptoassetsFeedback and Final Guidance to CP 19/3" clarifies the definition of security-token and which cryptoassets could fall under the regulation.

According to the document, if a person carries on a specified activity, by way of business in the UK, involving a cryptoasset which is a specified investment (i.e. security tokens or e-money tokens), he/she may require authorization and the relevant permission.

The document also clarifies the definition of unregulated tokens, which are those tokens that do not provide rights or obligations akin to specified investments.

Earlier the U.K.'s financial regulator announced plans for publishing a consultation paper on a potential ban on the sale to retail clients of derivatives and certain transferable securities that reference cryptoassets.

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