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Oct. 24, 2018

It seems that Alibaba has made a good progress in its case of the Alibabacoin’s prohibition, MarketWatch reports.

Giant e-commerce retailer has won a preliminary injunction against crypto startup Alibabacoin Foundation.

Earlier this year, Alibaba has already tried to ban the Alibabacoin’s activity. However, Judge Paul Oetken of the Southern District of New York (Manhattan) ruled that Alibabacoin wouldn't hurt Alibaba Group's business in New York or its trademarks.

Alibabacoin is blockchain startup that intends to use AI techniques effective for image editing most reliably to identify a person most accurately as possible.

Alibabacoin reportedly is not the only party in this case. The lawsuit list include Alibabacoin Foundation aka ABBC Foundation; ABBC Block Chain IT Solutions LLC; Alibabacoin General Trading FZE; Alibabacoin Foundation LLC and Jason Daniel Paul Philip and Hasan Abbas, the founders of the company.

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