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Oct. 9, 2018

TRON Foundation has launched a new all-in-one tool for developers in order to simplify the migration of dApps into the TRON Mainnet.

The new all-in-one SDK includes such products as: TronGrid, TronBox, TronStudio, and TronWeb.

Short product description:

  1. The idea of TronWeb is to connect the developers to the blockchain. It’s noted that TronWeb “aims to deliver a unified and seamless development experience”;
  2. TronBox is a framework that was created for testing and deploying smart contracts;
  3. TronStudio is a comprehensive IDE with an embedded TRON Virtual Machine (TVM);
  4. And finally, TronGrid. This product offers a similar use case with Infura on the Ethereum blockchain “by providing developers access to the TRON Network.”

The TRON team describes release as “entering a historical moment where developers can create real working Dapps on the network.”

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