Main page News, Hacker Attack, Cryptocurrency
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Aug. 28, 2018

Unknown attackers hacked the Atlas Quantum, a Brazilian crypto investment platform for arbitrage tradings. User data got stolen from the platform that enables trading cryptocurrency and making profit due to the price differences at various exchanges.

According to the website Have I Been Pwned, the platform kept names, phone numbers, email addresses and account balance data of 261 thousand users. Atlas Quantum confirmed hacking and reported that funds from accounts have not been stolen.

The company initiated an investigation. For a period of time, some of its features have been disabled. Later clients were regained access to them. Representatives of Atlas Quantum noted that they were able to protect their databases, private keys, and passwords.


  • Hacker attacks affect many well-known systems, and cybercriminals constantly come up with new methods of stealing information and funds. According to the latest report of Group-IB, in January the number of hacked accounts on crypto exchanges increased by 689% compared to the average monthly indicator of 2017.
  • According to the latest data from Kaspersky Lab, in the second quarter of 2018 scammers stole more than $2.3 million from crypto-investors.
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