Main page News, Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Operations with some digital assets are frozen because of the price differences with other sites.

Crypto-exchange Bithumb completed the security update and on August 4 will resume the output of 10 digital coins. This is reported in the company's blog.

Hacking Bithumb became a legit reason for tightening the rules of crypto-exchange in South Korea. On July 18, the team of Bithumb told how it will pay compensation to victims of hacking. Anyone who has applied for a return of stolen funds before July 16 will receive tokens in the course of Airdrop-shares.

Bithumb Resumes Withdrawals After Attack


1. On June 20, one of the largest crypto-exchanges of South Korea was cracked by hackers. More than $30 million in cryptocurrency were stolen from the platform. The exchange promised to return users' funds from its own pocket. On July 18, the site was able to withdraw money in Korean wons.

2. With the release of funds in bitcoins (Bitcoin), on-air (BITFINEX: ETH / USD.BITFINEX), litecoins (BITFINEX: LTC / USD.BITFINEX), Ripple (BITFINEX: XRP / USD), Bitcoin Cash (EXANTE : BCH.EXANTE), Ethereum Classic (BITFINEX: ETC / USD.BITFINEX), Qtum, Monero (BITFINEX: XMR / USD.BITFINEX), ZCash (ZEC/USD) and Mithril. The entry and withdrawal of other coins is blocked for the time being due to the large price difference on other sites.

3. Developers of the platform have changed the deposit addresses, so users need to be more careful. Money transferred to old addresses will be lost.

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