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July 25, 2018

Coinbase internal investigation has reportedly concluded that no insider trading of bitcoin cash (Bitcoin.Cash) occurred during December 2017. Reportedly a company wide meeting between the exchange and wallet departments took place to discuss the findings of the investigation, that’s according to anonymous sources talking to Fortune.

A spokesperson has told Fortune that: “voluntary, independent internal investigation has come to a close, and we have determined to take no disciplinary action”, thats after an investigation conducted by several law firms over the recent few months.

This began when originally Coinbase decided not to add bitcoin cash only to reverse its stance by saying it will be launched at start of 2018. However the platform listed the token on December 19, when the price surge occurred, fuelling speculations that Coinbase employees were involved in insider trading.

Although the investigation found no evidence of foul play, a lawsuit by the customers against Coinbase regarding the matter is still ongoing. Commodity Futures Trading Commission is on the case as the users of platform seek the recuperation of damages incurred while also arguing that the company has breached consumer protection laws.

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