McAfee Report Reveals Weaknesses in Crypto
Zsolt Biczo/
Main page News, Mining, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency Exchanges

American global computer security software company McAfee has published their latest study dubbed “Blockchain Threat Report”
Report puts all known attacks and threats on blockchain under microscope.

Phishing attacks, Malware, Cryptojacking, Endpoint miners, Implementation vulnerabilities, Wallet theft, Technology attacks, Legacy attacks modernized and dictionary attacks are investigated in detail. You can read the full report on company's website.

McAfee underlines that in the first quarter of 2018 coin miner malwares spiked to a whopping 3 million compared to previous years of near 500,000.

More than a million devices worldwide running on port 5555, a vulnerability that is generally abused by mining malware.

McAfee Report Reveals Weaknesses in Crypto
McAfee's “Blockchain Threat Report”

McAfee also compiles information regarding the major attacks and thefts cryptocurrency exchanges suffered over the years explaining in details the reasons and methods hackers were using.

“The level of user confidence in exchange security is waning from the difficulty the industry has had balancing growth and security”, states the report.

The Coincheck Heist, which happened in January this year cost to Japanese largest exchange $532 million in NEM coins, affecting 260,000 investors. Also in June 2017, Korean Bithumb reported the loss of the personally identifiable information of 31,800 web users.

As a conclusion, report says: “As we’ve seen, mistakes are easy to make. Users are even harder to control and can negatively contribute to the risk. We need to learn from recent events to make better decisions for securing our technologies for tomorrow.”

By Nadya Astam

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