Main page News, China, Blockchain

Xi Jinping expressed support for blockchain-technology at the annual scientific conference organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He said that blockchain is an important part of the technological revolution. The Chinese leader added that the country should develop this technology to achieve economic success.

“The new generation of information technology represented by artificial intelligence, quantum information, mobile communication, internet of things, and blockchain accelerate the breakthrough in application and bred new life science fields represented by synthetic biology, gene editing, brain science, and regenerative medicine,” - according to his speech translation.

Xi Jinping also noted that his country is striving to achieve prosperity in the conditions of global economic competition.

Only a few days ago, leading Chinese universities united to create an educational block-based platform. There is also the initiative of The Blockchain Industrial Park (BIP) in Hangzhou that collects high-quality projects in the blockchain industry. BIP is offering millions of dollars worth of subsidies to startups.

By Ekaterina Ulyanova

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