Main page News, Japan, Cryptocurrency
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April 26, 2018

Japan-based Coincheck exchange, which suffered one of the biggest heists in history, earned 53.2 billion yen ($490 million) from April 2017 through January, when the theft occurred, its new owner Monex Group has revealed, Bloomberg reports.

Coincheck made a profit of 500 million yen in February and March following the hack. However, Monex Group CEO is not optimistic about the future, considering the expected regulatory measures.

“Given that we expect tougher regulatory and internal measures going forward, naturally the profitability will change,” Monex Chief Executive Officer Oki Matsumoto said at a media event on Thursday.

“However, as our entire group works toward creating a crypto exchange built on trust, it may be possible to grow our customer base even more, which would drive synergy and boost profitability.”

An unidentified thief stole 523 million in NEM cryptocurrency on Jan. 26. The company said it would reimburse customers who lost money, which led to a writedown of 47.3 billion yen.

By Siranush Ghazanchyan

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