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April 23, 2018

WikiLeaks is calling for a boycott of Coinbase after the latter removed the WikiLeaks Shop - the whistleblower website’s merchandise outlet.

In a Twitter post WikiLeaks called Coinbase an “unfit member of the crypto community” and said it will call for a global blockade of the exchange next week.

“Coinbase, a large Californian Bitcoin processor, responding to a concealed influence, has blocked the entirely harmless@WikiLeaksShop in a decision approved by management,” the organization said.

Coinbase informed WikiLeaks on the 21st of April that the shop violates the exchange’s terms of service. No further explanation was given.

In a message sent to The WikiLeaks Shop, Coinbase said: "Coinbase is a regulated Money Services Business under FinCEN (, and as part of achieving this goal, we are legally obligated to implement regulatory compliance mechanisms. Upon careful review, we believe your account has engaged in prohibited use in violation of our Terms of Service and we regret to inform you that we can no longer provide you with access to our service."

The WikiLeaks shop sells merchandise such as clothing, clocks, and mousepads and accepts a number of cryptocurrencies as payment. These include Bitcoin (EXANTE: Bitcoin), Ethereum (ETH/USD) and Litecoin (LTC/USD).

By Siranush Ghazanchyan

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