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April 5, 2018

BreadWallet, cryptocurrency wallet service has started supporting Ethereum (ETH/USD) from the first week of April.

The company revealed plans to fully support Ethereum in a blog post in March as it announced update of its first quarter.

Bread now supports any token built on the standard known as ERC-20, which is itself based on Ethereum.

In practice ERC-20 functions will only be available to users who took part in the company’s ICO.

The additions for ERC-20 will be included in the iOS and Android apps after the team has completed testing the software. After test the app will fully support Ethereum, in addition to Bitcoin (Bitcoin) and Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash).

According to Bread strategy, an update of the app will soon allow people to store all types of tokens. It has the potential to increase the demand for some of the more exotic forms of digital money.

Bread, which raised $7 million from venture investors last spring, has been around since 2014 and marketed itself as a user-friendly way to store Bitcoin.

By Jade Olafson

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