Main page News, Bitcoin Cash, Blockchain, Bitcoin

Global Bitcoin (Bitcoin) payment service BitPay announced today that its merchants can now accept payments in Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash).

“It's now easy for BitPay merchants to do business with a growing, passionate community of Bitcoin Cash users and accept a currency with a market cap of more than $15 billion,” the company said in a blog post.

“By adding functionality for a new payments blockchain like Bitcoin Cash (BCH), we’re expanding the reach and scale of our merchants’ BitPay checkout experiences,” BitPay said.

Merchants using the BitPay platform will have the option to pay either with Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash. They can accept payments for both blockchains and get direct bank deposits the next business day with just a 1% transaction fee, according to BitPay.

“Since Bitcoin Cash costs only pennies (or less) for customers to send, it's great for BitPay merchants who want to accept blockchain micro-transactions for things like video games, food delivery, or app downloads,” the cryptocurrency payment processor said.

The company noted that “adding support for Bitcoin Cash is another step in BitPay’s vision for multiple blockchain payments.”

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