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March 12, 2018

MoneroV developers have decided to postpone the hard fork until the end of April. The fork that was initially scheduled for March 14 will now take place on 1564965 approximately on 30th of April.

“Exchanges and custodian services need more time to implement the MoneroV technology for them to support the fork and credit XMR holders with XMV. We are in the process of helping leading exchanges (from the top five Monero trading platforms) to list Monero,” the team behind the project said in a blog post.

The developers added that mining pools are asking for more time to implement MoneroV. “We want to help these pools to prepare for the hard-fork split so that MoneroV will be more stable and robust.”

The team said they will “use the additional time to test a few procedures that will help mitigate an issue that was raised that the hard-fork split might reduce the effective privacy set of ring signatures – one of three private properties of the Monero & MoneroV blockchains.”

The team also went on to warn about potential scams and phishing attempts that will occur as the fork draws nearer. They stated:

“We will never ask you to register on any form/website that promises an ‘airdrop’ of MoneroV. The only XMV coins that will be generated are copy-imaged of the XMR coins the wallets at the time of the snapshot hold. You will never be asked or required to pay for anything at any time.”

Developers warned not to insert private keys into any website, closed-source software, Google form or anything else except the official open-sourced MoneroV GUI wallet.

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