Belarus University Offering Cryptocurrency Course
Main page News, Blockchain, ICO, Cryptocurrency
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Dec. 26, 2017

The Belarusian National Technical University is offering a diploma course on cryptocurrencies, their derivatives. The move follows the legalization of cryptocurrencies and ICOs in the country, reported.

The course will cover “operations with cryptocurrencies,” “operations with cryptocurrency futures,” “the use of blockchain technology,” and “ICO as an alternative to IPO,” the University said in a Facebook post.

The 1-year and 8-month long program, beginning on March 12 of next year, is available to “persons with higher education as well as senior students of higher educational institutions.”

Successful graduates will receive a state diploma “on retraining at the level of higher education” which will be impossible to issue if the course is shortened.

The cost of training is 966 US dollars at the rate of then National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

Belarus’ President Alexander Lukashenko signed a law last week legalizing cryptocurrencies, ICOs, and smart contracts.

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