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Dec. 18, 2017

Potential investors in Bitcoin (Bitcoin) should steer clear of a dangerous gamble and not complain to financial regulators if things do go wrong, Denmark’s central bank governor has warned, Reuters reported.

“You should stay away from Bitcoin. It is deadly,” central bank head Lars Rohde said in an interview with state broadcaster DR published online on Monday.

Rohde said that if people decide to ignore his warnings, they should realize that they are pretty much on their own.

“It is not a regulated market. It is not the responsibility of the authorities. It is the responsibility of the individual,” said Rohde.

Rohde told investors not to “come and complain to us if it goes wrong”.

“I see Bitcoin as tulipmania, which is a bubble that is out of control,” Rohde said, referring to a notorious 17th century Dutch boom and bust.

Last week, the Danish central bank said that introducing a digital version of the Danish crown currency would pose risks to financial stability without improving payment solutions for Danes.

European Union states and legislators last week agreed stricter rules to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing on exchange platforms for Bitcoin and other virtual currencies.

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