Main page News, US, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency
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Dec. 8, 2017

Coinbase has successfully secured the top position in Apple’s app store in the US, as its most downloaded one in the region, TechCrunch reported.

A month ago Coinbase was ranked on 400th position in Apple’s (XETRA: APC) App Store. It has now beaten the likes of Facebook (XETRA: FB2A), Snapchat, and Youtube in the US.

The interest of people towards investing in Bitcoin (EXANTE: Bitcoin) and other cryptocurrencies made them rush towards crypto mining site. As a result, Coinbase site was down for hours.

For many customers, the service was actually unavailable for large portions of the day.

The Coinbase app was hanging for many. The site was “down for maintenance” for large chunks of the day, frustrating customers looking to buy, sell or merely access their account.

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