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Dec. 6, 2017

Cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) (XMR/USD) rose to $305.71, after adding another 30% to its price overnight on crazed Korean trading, Cryptovest reported.

Several digital assets traded at a premium on the leading exchange Bithumb. For a short time, Monero passed Bitcoin Gold and the market caps of both coins remain in a head race.

XMR is more than 57% up in the past seven days, rising even faster than Bitcoin (EXANTE: Bitcoin). The previous breakout for Monero stalled at around $180 before retreating.

The climb of Monero has coincided with a slide of around 15% in the Bitcoin Gold price, toward $293.56.

The spike comes after the announcement that 45 musicians and five online stores will be accepting the Monero this holiday season and offering discounts to those paying in the cryptocurrency.

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