Main page News, Russia, ICO, Cryptocurrency
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Oct. 20, 2017

Alexei Fyodorov, President of the Internet Development Institute (IRI) of Russia has proposed to establish a specialized crypto-detective agency, Bitcoin News reported.

“To protect investors in cryptocurrencies in Russia, it is planned to create a specialised crypto-detective agency. It will collect information on Russian companies intending to launch an ICO. Information will be stored in a special register,” Fyodorov said at the State Duma Financial Market Committee meeting, which discussed cryptocurrency regulation in Russia.

The registry will contain all of the information about these companies that can be found. According to Fyodorov, the agency will be able to extract information about their beneficiaries and their real state of affairs.

“Our task is to protect investors. When a company that has attracted funds from a large number of people fails, its investors will seek protection from the state,” he noted.

Russia’s internet ombudsman, Dmitry Marinichev, acknowledged the need to collect such data. Regarding a registry of companies planning an ICO, Marinichev said “to force a company to register on the register is pointless.”

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