Main page News, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency
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Oct. 12, 2017

Bitcoin (EXANTE: Bitcoin) climbed 11% to an all-time high of $5,364.10 Thursday, CNBC reports.

With Thursday's gains, Bitcoin is now up around 454% year-to-date.

Other major digital currencies mostly rose as well. Ethereum (ETH/USD) traded mildly higher around $305. Bitcoin Cash (EXANTE: Bitcoin.Cash) traded slightly higher around $316.

Traders are in an anticipation of another event. Earlier this year, Bitcoin split in two, and a new cryptocurrency called Bitcoin cash was created. Another so-called "fork" is on its way, which will result in another new cryptocurrency called "Bitcoin Gold".

Some people holding Bitcoin will receive Bitcoin gold.

"Competing Bitcoin forks, such as Bitcoin Gold are encouraging more bullish sentiment as traders look forward to receiving more "free money" in November," Aurelien Menant, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Gatecoin, told CNBC.

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