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Oct. 3, 2017

The first-ever Bitcoin (Bitcoin) documentary was screened during the ‘Shape the Future Summit’ in China which was held between Sep. 20 and Sep. 21, 2017, The Cointelegraph reports

‘Bitcoin - Shape the Future’ is a documentary that charts the course of the world’s first digital currency.

The film produced by BitKan begins with the story of how Bitcoin came into being and discusses the mysterious inventor of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto.

‘Bitcoin - Shape the Future’ tries to capture that mysterious spirit by presenting a real-life speculator who has chosen to keep his identity hidden.

The synthesized voice of the bearded, bespectacled man lends an aura of mystique as he says, “I earned my first barrel of gold by Bitcoins.”

The film takes a course that follows the evolution of Bitcoin from its nascent era into becoming a mainstream tradable asset.

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