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Sept. 13, 2017

CoinOne Inc, a South Korean Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange opened a new physical retail location called CoinOne Blocks in Seoul, reports.

Customers and those interested will be able to get assistance in acquiring digital assets and wallet services for six different currencies: Bitcoin (EXANTE: Bitcoin), Ethereum (ETH/USD), Bitcoin Cash (EXANTE: Bitcoin.Cash), Ethereum Classic (ETC/USD), Ripple и Qtum.

Moreover, the CoinOne Blocks’s office has a bitcoin ATM on site.

The new service offers advice on cryptocurrency trading with CoinOne advisors who have expert knowledge of the digital asset market.

“We will lead the market with customer-oriented service through the opening of Coinone Blocks. The purpose of CoinOne Blocks is to create a healthy and transparent ecosystem for digital currencies," CEO Cha Myung-hun was quoted saying.

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