Segregated Witness on the Bitcoin network has been launched
Main page News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency
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Aug. 24, 2017

SegWit has been activated on the Bitcoin (Bitcoin) network on Wednesday night. Segregated Witness finally activated on block 481822 at 10:00 pm EDT оn August 23, announced.

Bitcoin enthusiasts around the world are literally popping champagne and throwing parties to celebrate.

Lee’s BTCC pool mined the first SegWit block for Bitcoin.

“SegWit is actually something we’ve been waiting years for. This is the Netscape moment for bitcoin,” Elizabeth Stark, CEO and co-founder of Lightning Labs said.

Max Keiser has raised his Bitcoin price forecast to $10,000.

“I like to compare it to the World Wide Web of bitcoin, where transactions can link to other transactions without having to confirm on the blockchain. You can link to other sites and you don’t need to host everything on your own webserver,” said Eric Lombrozo, Bitcoin Core contributor and CEO of Ciphrex Corp.

SegWit for Bitcoin comes as the debate continues to rage over the next significant event for the industry, which comes in the form of the SegWit2X hard fork in November.

Thus, three circulating ‘versions’ of Bitcoin will be available, with clear support for a specific chain as yet impossible to predict.

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