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Aug. 11, 2017

The total value of all cryptocurrencies cruised above the new benchmark of $126 billion on Friday. Only four days after the previous record of $116 billion was registered.

Experts explain this new all-time high by a new influx of capital into Bitcoin (Bitcoin)

over the last seven days raising the price of the oldest crypto-currency more than 20%.

It has already topped a highly significant threshold of $3,500 for the second time this week going up to $3506,73 before coming down a little towards $3,450.

The total value of its coin supply also rose up to $57 billion from $47 billion several days ago.

At the same time Bitcoin was not alone to demonstrate strong gains. The Chinese project Neo (aka Antshares) also jumped to its all-time high above $1 billion and its price per coin climbed to $34. IOTA rose to $1.7 billion from $1.1 billion. Ether pushed its total market cap to $28 billion from $21 billion last week.

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