Main page News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency
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Aug. 11, 2017

On Friday (Bitcoin) topped a highly significant threshold of $3,500 for the second time this week and, according to experts, is setting firmly around it.

The breakthrough was registered by many tickers including Cointelegraph’s ticker, Coinmarketcap and which reported Bitcoin crossing $3,500 and going up to $3506,73 before coming down a little towards $3,450.

The crypto-currency already went above that mark last Tuesday reaching $3525 according to CoinDesk, however later it dropped slightly down.

Peter Brandt, seasoned trader, suggested a ‘lingering period around $3,500’ after which the prices could separately “explode.”

“Pause may develop around current levels before move to target,” Brandt said.

Bitcoin price will “cruise through” $5,000 in the nearest future, financial analyst Max Keiser also predicted earlier.

On Wednesday Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (TOCOM: GS) admitted that institutional investors can no longer turn a blind eye to the cryptocurrency market, which has set a new all-time record of $126 billion.

Ethereum, Litecoin and other top ten altassets remain stable, with Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash) also noticeably raising 17%, up to $345,77 over the past 24 hours.

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