Cryptocurrency Market Review 30.03.2018
Main page Digest, Mining, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency
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March 30, 2018

Bitcoin price drops to 50-day minimum. The cryptocurrency market kept declining on Friday. The total market capitalization dropped to $259 billion. The price of Bitcoin dipped below $7,000 for the first time since early February.

Telegram raises $850 million in second round of ICO. Messaging app Telegram has raised another $850 million in the second round of the ICO, bringing the total sum to a world record $1.7 billion. The first round raised a similar $850 million, with a third round also expected to raise a similar amount. This will bring the total to $2.55 billion even before the public is allowed to participate.

Ethereum users support hard fork to resist ASIC miners. Ethereum users would support adopting a hard fork that would allow the cryptocurrency’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) Ethash mining algorithm to resist ASIC miners. The Twitter poll conducted by Ethereum developer Vlad Zamfir asks users if they would support a hard fork that renders Ethereum ASIC miners obsolete.

Intel seeks to reduce Bitcoin mining energy use. Tech giant Intel is seeking to patent a hardware "accelerator" for Bitcoin (Bitcoin) mining chips. In an application filed to the US Patent and Trademark Office, the company outlined a method by which it could augment the existing Bitcoin mining process, consuming less electricity - thereby spending less money - in the process.

The total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $259 204 832 017.

Expected ICOs

For the full list of ongoing ICOs click here.

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