Cryptocurrency Market Review 27.03.2018
Main page Digest, Cryptocurrency
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March 27, 2018

Bitcoin back above $8,000. The cryptocurrency market managed to reverse the trend of the past days and show a small increase by Tuesday evening. Bitcoin regained the $8,000 mark, while the total market capitalization grew to $304 billion.

Coinbase announces support for Ethereum ERC20 tokens. Coinbase has announced the intention to support the ERC20 technical standard used for Ethereum smart contracts in the coming months, the company said in a blog post. The technical standard will allow the cryptocurrency exchange to support ERC20 assets and Ethereum tokens in the future, paving the way for the adoption of new ERC20 token contracts and products potentially including EOS, Tronix, ICON, VeChain, and Bytom.

Kakao rules out ICO, plans blockchain platform for Asia. South Korea's top mobile messenger operator Kakao Corp. today announced plans to expand its services covering the blockchain technology, Yonhap reported. Kakao’s primary focus now is to design an effective blockchain platform, similar to Ethereum, onto which various services can be built. With it, it hopes to court Asian developers interested in building new products and services based on blockchain networks.

80,000 EU-based online merchants to start accepting cryptocurrency. Lithuania-based blockchain payment gateway CoinGate has teamed up with open-source, e-commerce platform PrestaShop, based in Paris, France to enable at least 80,000 EU-based online merchants to start accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment method. The merchant only needs to set up an account with CoinGate to start accepting payments. The payment processor supports Bitcoin and over 50 other cryptocurrencies.

The total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $304 748 292 794.

Expected ICOs

For the full list of ongoing ICOs click here.

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